Believers Chapter Seven
Freckles was there waiting for them. "How do you know we are coming?" asked Ben. Freckles shook his head danced a little bit on his front feet. It was his way of laughing to avoid setting fire to everything. "Those Comm sticks you carry let us know where you are." was all he said as he took them up to the castle. Pipsqueak meet them at the gate and said that Wizard Crackoops would meet with them later and perhaps they would like to see some more of the castle. She took them to a room that looked very much like a flight deck. "Whoever would build a flight deck as part of a castle," remarked Ben and Pipsqueak just smiled and didn't reply. Instead she took them over to a kind of window,"This is a viewing port," she said and pushed a control. The window lit up and they could see all kinds of stars. "This is the galaxy where we come from," she said. "And here," she continued touching the controls again, "is Cyan itself. "And lastly," she finished again touching the controls, " is our home. Serenity City." "And what a beautiful city it is too," Wizard Crackoops voice broke the trance as they gazed the city. "I think this is appropriate," he said as he hugged them both "Let's go and have some tea and then I can answer those thousand questions you are dying to ask Jacob." Again Ben listened with half an ear as he ate all his favorite foods. Cyan had been like Earch a long long time ago but the Cyans now had much more advanced technology than Earth. This didn't always make things easy, sure some of Earth's problems could easily be solved with Cyan magic but they had other problems that even their magic couldn't solve. In fact the Wizard wondered at times whether some of Earth's wisdom couldn't be used on Cyan. Serenity City was suspended and built in a fully three dimensional fashion with hubs or centers for various types of activities with high speed communications loops interconnecting them all. Again the Wizard had to put up his hand to stop Jacob's torrent of questions. As they were finsishing their meal Jacob said, "Uncle Wiz, (the wizard had asked them to call him that) we, Ben and I, wanted to thank you for our bikes and shoes. They are" "Useful!" suggest the wizard. "Yes, although useful hardly covers it." replied Jacob. "You are very welcome boys. However you will find the comm sticks even more useful as time goes on. You have hardly even started to explore what they can do. Now then what else can we do for you." "I think we are all full up for today in more ways than one," said Jacob, "Come on Ben it is time to say goodbye again and get back home." "I understand," said Uncle Wiz kindly, "Strange is strange even for open minded believers like yourselves." |