Match Up


In the "MatchUp" game four images on a particular theme had to be matched up with four word descriptions. In the new game, which will be called "This is", each image will be presented alone with it's word choices. Players will progress through the images according to their success rate. There may be many more than four images in each theme and more or less than four word choices for each image. Levels of difficulty will be provided as well as a scoring system. Please revisit to play the game. You will know when it is available because the selection in the home page will have a new appearance.

For the technically minded only. The MatchUp game was written in Java on a Windows platform in 2004. A lot of water has gone under the bridge since then. The game no longer works because of changes in Java security. i.e. They broke my application in spite of claiming they wouldn't. The game never posed a security threat to anyone. The Windows platform has been replaced by an iMac (Hooray!!!). Thus the original Java development environment is gone although I could recover the source files. Thus to inspect, fix and recompile the original game the Java development environment would need to be established on my Apple computer. My Java progamming skills have become very rusty. Refreshing those skills do not fit with my more general future plans. Rewriting and improving the game using javascript does. The game can be made more user friendly, better in may ways. With or without Java. And that's it really. You may sensibly ask why I used Java in the first place but I don't have a sensible answer.