Nursery |
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Title of Rhyme | Brief description. | * |
Across The Sea | Pleasant thoughts of foreign lands. |
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Bathroom Tiff | The bath and the toilet insult each other. |
Bigtum Wakes Early | Bigtum The Bear wakes from hibernation too early. |
Castles | Somewhat silly rhyme about castles. |
Cleaver The Beaver | Cleaver chose the wrong materials for his dam. |
Coats Unhanged | Owners away the coats they play. |
Deep in the Woods | Mystical image of a woodland glade. |
Down Under | Are we confused or are the Australians |
Elsie the Eagle | A beautiful magical eagle flies. |
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European Food | What european's like to eat. |
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Farmer Jones | Nonsense rhyme about a careless farmer. |
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Fat Man's Hat | Nonsense rhyme about a fat man's hat. |
Gnomes | Gnomes keep everything working. |
Half Past Monday | A week in the life of Bigtum The Bear |
Hat Stew | Nonsense rhyme hat's falling into the stew. |
Hot Soup | About eating good soup. |
Mister Snake | Slighly disgusting rhyme about a black snake. |
Molly's Garden | Molly has a lovely garden. |
Monster Shoo | Bedtime courage. |
Moving Day | The furniture plays in the front yard. |
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Mr and Mrs McKnight | Two very fat people get into a fight. |
Mum's Closet | All the clothes a little girl could want. |
My Son Jack | Very silly rhyme about an accident on the ice. |
Old Mr Grunge | The rubber ducks float around his knees in the bath. |
Professional | Soft dubunking many professions. |
Rinky-dinky-dink | Nonsense rhyme the Bigtum the Bear might enjoy. |
Russel The Spider | Slightly disgusting about country and city cousins. |
Sedgewick's Fate | A fish gets caught. |
Slidle-de-dum | Dad slips on the ice. |
Snowmens Dance | The snowmen have a good time while no-one is looking. |
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Starlight | Artistic astronomy. |
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The McCorkery's | One very fat, one very thin. |
The Mist | Spooky rhyme. |
Tick-tock-tickle | Just pure nonsense. |
To The Fair | Fun rhyme about going to the fair. |
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Vinegaree | The food in the fridge have a party. |
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Warm | Wear a hat in winter. |
Whoop-de-doo | Bigtum the Bear's thoughts. |