Believers - Chapter Four
Pipsqueak and Magic

The next day they rode back to the old log again. It was pouring with rain so they had worn their anoraks. They and the bikes were splattered with mud.

Crafty was there waiting,"Aak! I guessed you be back today." Then swooped off along the path without waiting.

Riding along the muddy path was much more fun than when it had been dry the day before. It was quite the test of their mountain bike riding skills. This was the third time they had been along this path and Jacob noticed that each time the path looked different. Another question to ask Crafty although he guessed it was so that they would not be able to find the way by themselves. They were pelting along trying to catch up with Crafty when they suddenly came out of the trees onto the grassy meadow below Castle Wizbin. It was such a surprise thay both fell off, that and the fact that Freckles was standing there waiting for them.

Although it had been pouring with rain the sun seemed to be shining here and the grass wasn't even wet. They got up as Freckles turned, "Fhhhollow me."

They followed Freckles up the path with Crafty swooping back and forward around them. As they went up the path and got closer they began to realize how big Castle Wizbin was, it was enormous. The entrance was big enough to drive a bus through and it had outside gates of iron, big wooden doors and a portcullis at the back of the arch.

Freckles stopped in front of the entrance. He turned his head to one side so as not to scorch anyone,"We have permission for you to enter."

Crafty said,"Aak! I'll be back to pick you up later." And flew off before anyone could make a comment as usual.

As they went through the castle entrance all kinds of sights and sounds appeared, as though someone had switched on a video. The entrance courtyard seemed to be a very busy place with many unusual looking beings going about their business. Some of them Ben and Jacob recognised, fairies; gnomes; dwarfs and animals like goats and rabbits dressed in their clothing, but there were other beings that were stranger still and they couldn't guess from where they came. They didn't notice but the mud splatter was floating off them and disappearing until they looked quite respectable.

A black cat walked across and sat in front of them. Freckles stopped, "O.k. I hhhave to get back to my guard duty. This is Pipsqueak, she will guide you from here on."

"Thank you Freckles," said Ben. "Goodbye for now and thank you," said Jacob. "Ahhhs you sahhy. Goodbye for now." And Freckles walked back to the castle entrance.

"Reow! So this is the Jacob and Ben Gold I have heard so much about."

"Pleased to meet you Pipsqueak," said Ben, Jacob nodded.

"Pleased to meet yeow too. I will take you to meet Wizard Crackoops. Follow me." As they walked Jacob, who was always full of questions decided to ask Pipsqueak a question. "When Freckles told me he guarded the castle he looked a bit sad. He said he has been here ever since he took the job and left home. Doesn't he get a holdiday? Can't he go and visit his home ever?"

"Prrrhaps you should have asked Freckles that question."

"I didn't want to upset him. He seemed quite sad when he mentioned it."

"That's very thoughtful of you Jacob, I like you. We all have a job to do here and we earn what you would call money. We can use that money, perhaps save some of it, for a trip home if we like. Freckles job is not very well paid and his home is such a long way away it would take him a very long time to save for the journey."

"That's a bit sad," said Jacob,"I think I would like to give him some money to visit his home if I could."

"That is very kind of you, prrhaps you could talk to Wizard Crackoops about it."

"I think I will."

"Now then, we are standing in front of a traveller, it's sort of like an elevator except it doesn't just go up and down it will go anywhere in the castle. Let's step inside."

The doors opened automatically and when they were all inside Pipsqueak put a paw on a sort of crystal globe set in the floor. "This is the control, you put one foot on here and think of where you want to go."

"You wan't to see Wizard Crackoops?" A rather nice female voice came from nowhere visible.

"Prrlease," replied Pipsqueak.

"He is in his reception room. He is expecting you. We will be there shortly. Please mind the doors."

With that the doors of the traveller closed and Jacob and Ben had a feeling that you sometimes get in a powerful car or motorbike as it accelerates. In a few seconds they could feel it stopping again.

"We have arrived, please mind the doors."

With that the doors opened and they were looking at Wizard Crackoops reception room. Pipsqueak walked briskly out towards the end of the room and Jacob and Ben followed. At the end of the room was a big man seated in a green wing back chair dressed in a silk suit covered in stars and moons with gold slippers and a cone shaped hat. His face was reddish brown as though he had been in the sun and he had a big smile on his face although it was hard to see behind his long white beard.

"Hello, hello, hello! Jacob and Ben. Welcome to Castle Wizbin. I am Wizard Crackoops. And he waved a greeting. A crack of lighting came from one of his hands hitting the carpet burning a hole and making a small cloud of smoke.

"Ooops" said the Wizard. Jacob now understood why he was called Wizard Crackoops and had a hard time suppressing a smile.

"As a welcoming gift let me present." And the Wizard waved his hand again. There was another crack and two elephants appeared. "Ooops," said the Wizard,"and waved his hand again." The elephants turned into two of the best looking mountain bikes Ben and Jacob had ever seen.

These Super M Bikes can go anywhere. They have magic powers so be careful how you use them."

Jacob touched the handlebars of one of the bikes and felt a throbbing under his hand. He took it away again quickly.

"Don't be scared Jacob, it wants to work for you. Anyway enough of that I will put them out in place of those ordinary bikes you came on." And with another wave of his hand the bikes were gone.

"It's time for tea," said the Wizard. And with another wave of his hand the three of them were seated at a table laid out with all kinds of good things to eat and drink.

"I expect you have a thousand questions you want to ask. I always find conversation easier eating my favorite foods. Dig in."

And so Jacob began to find out the answers to some of his questions while Ben ate and listened.